Lana Fuchs Team up with Guardian of Rescue to Help Animals in Need

Lana Fuchs Team up with Guardian of Rescue to Help Animals in Need

Interviewed and written by Aaron Robinson

When many think of iconic fashion designer Lana Fuchs, they can’t help but to recognize her for her multi-million fashion and entertainment empire which consists of brands such as FVCHS and Billionaire Mafia. Her empire also includes owning a major record label, management and consulting company, and a non-profit organization, just to name a few. Some may know Lana for her pet monkey Mikey; however may not know that she is also a huge animal lover of dogs, cat’s, horses and so on. The star of the once ‘too hot for television’ reality show Sin City Rules have teamed up with Guardians of Rescue, a New York based organization whose mission is to protect the well being of animals. “I am very honored and flattered to be working with this wonderful Guardians or Rescue organization. It’s just great. The more people that can come forward and help this amazing cause the more animals we can help,” excitedly says Lana.
Other celebrities who have come forth to help with this initiative include Russell Simmons, Steve Lobel, Christian McBride, Coldplay and Victor Ortiz. They will all give away a prize themselves, or an item to be auctioned by Guardians of Rescue. “I’m thrilled that Mickey, who is my non-human primate…he’s giving away to a monkey fan; a day with me. So basically, they’re going to live one day in the life of Lana; all the crazy and wonderful amazing stuff that are me! I’m excited to share my world with my fans. Also, Mikey is the most brilliant amazing monkey you ever seen in your life,” conveys the successful Entrepreneur.
The donated prizes will go to the highest bidder through an eBay auction to help raise funds for the organization’s rescue work to help animals. The fundraiser will be held February 27th thru March 9th, 2013. In addition, Lana’s lucky fan who wins, whether male or female, will receive a round trip flight. She will give them a full makeover, take them shopping, style them and their hair and much more.
"All pets, animals has as much rights to be happy and healthier on this planet that we do; in fact, they do less damage to this planet that we humans do. And if they can support it in any way shape or form, whether if it’s their time, one dollar or 100,000 dollars or whatever they could do, it would be so greatly appreciated. Because they can’t speak for themselves; poor helpless animals. It takes people like us to really come forward and to step up to the plate and just do their work,” sincerely says Lana.
Lana is also looking to release her new book The Blue Print: Success in a State of Mind. She sheds some enlightenment of her composition. My book is called The Blue Print: Success in a State of Mind. And what this is is everything I have learned over the last probably twenty years or so, studying everything from spirituality, from quantum physics and quantum mechanics and traveling all over the world having studied with some of the most amazing masters on the planet,” expresses the philanthropist who gives examples in the book of how she created obstacles in her life that changed into a positive. She continues, “this book is all about giving every individual instructions and how to use the tools they already have to get what they want,” exclaims Lana.
Many times we have goals and dreams inside of us, but does not know how to use them to be successful in order to help others or make a difference in this world. Lana is certified in The Ultimate Life Tool Technology (a human assessment technology), and certified as a success and life coach. Simultaneously to all of the prizes mentioned, Lana has a few once in a lifetime surprises of her own. The fan is also going to get an hour or two private sessions with her on how to become successful, as well as helping them achieve their goals and dreams. 
Lana ends with encouraging words to her fans and readers. “I am living proof that anything is possible. I went from an immigrant child to extremely over-weight, to wearing glasses, being the ultimate geek or nerd, and really not having any friends. My childhood was a fretting experience to really being brilliant, beautiful (no plastic surgery), smart, wealthy and successful. And if I could do it, anyone can do it!”

Read article at Consciousness Magazine website


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