Dr. Ian K. Smith: SHRED, The Revolutionary Diet: 6 Weeks 4 inches 2 Sizes
Dr. Ian K. Smith: SHRED, The Revolutionary Diet: 6 Weeks 4
inches 2 Sizes
Written and
interviewed by Aaron Robinson

Today, SHRED, The Revolutionary Diet: 6 Weeks 4 inches 2 Sizes is still #1 on the New York Times
bestseller list, helping thousands of people (SHREDDERS) on the SHRED
program lose weight. “When it comes to dieting, a diet should not be expensive
or complicated and it should not ask you to eat perfectly. SHRED asks you to
eat a little better but not perfectly,” exclaims the creator and founder of The 50 Million Pound Challenge and The Makeover
Having written nine well-known
books, he gives two greatly distinctions of SHRED, The Revolutionary Diet.
“On the SHRED program you eat four meal replacements and 3 snacks a day. You eat
3-4 times a day. You keep your metabolism ravished [and] you keep your insulin
levels nice and stable.” He continues. “The second thing the program does is
called ‘Diet confusion’…that’s very analogous to the concept of muscle confusion
that weight-lifters use…use the type of food that you eat and the calories that
you count in day to day, week to week. That keeps your body up tittered,”
plainly he expresses.
people become bored with their food while they’re on their diet. Dr. Ian K.
Smith is a strong believer in switching up foods and encouraging people to change
up the type of foods they eat over a period of time. However, there are cases
when an individual may have a tough time beginning a diet. Enthused to empower
and help others, Dr. Ian K. Smith gives advice. “I always said that diet is 80%
mental and 20% physical. People have to start dieting when it’s the best time
for them. You don’t start dieting when you’re going through some type of
hardship. Diet requires all of your focus.”
Dr. Ian K. Smith is also a
humanitarian. He has won numerous awards for his work, as well as teaming up
with notable organizations that have made a remarkable difference to mankind.
He was recently appointed to the
President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition by President Obama. He
shares with the readers his experience. “Well it has been a wonderful
experience. When the president appointed me I was very honored. We worked very
closely with the first lady Let’s Move campaign. I’m very excited that we have
a first family that’s not only verbalizing their interest in people eating
healthy but they also live that kind of life,” excitedly the doctor conveys who
is proud of being on the council with like-minded people who are trying to get
the country to eat better.
Many times in the black
community, people tend to not be conscious of the importance of health issues.
The United States census reports that there is a far less number of males than
women who visit the doctor’s office. Unfortunately, in underprivileged areas
the seriousness of the health issues tend to go ignored. “I think that as either
African American males or females, we have to eliminate these fears about
becoming health conscious by having a better understanding of who we are and
what we are, and what makes us tick from a stemological standpoint. We as a community in order to live happier, healthier
and longer, we have to be invested in who we are and what we are in an extreme
of knowledge. Medical knowledge and having an understanding of what’s going on
with you may be a little scary at times, but the knowledge itself is what
people need to actually call for a resolution to live a healthier life,”
sharply says Dr. Ian K. Smith.
Every since a youth, Dr. Ian K.
Smith wanted to become a surgeon due to his curiosity of how the body works
from a scientific and education standpoint. During his later days in life he
changed his specialty from a surgeon as he was becoming a medical correspondent
for NBC News. Dr. Ian K. Smith concludes our interview by saying. “I am a
believer that we all have some control of our health destiny. I don’t believe
in residing our self. When it comes to our health, we should try to control as much
as possible.”
For more information visit Dr
Ian K. Smith at www.doctoriansmith.com Twitter:@doctoriansmith
Read Dr. Ian K. Smith article @ http://www.consciousnessmagazine.com/DrIanKSmith.html
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