KING OF RAGTIME: THE STORY OF SCOTT JOPLIN Written by STEPHEN COSTANZA Book Review by Eric Plaut INTRODUCTION If you enjoy listening to Ragtime, you will like reading this biography of Scott Joplin.Dubbed as the “King of Ragtime”, Joplin composed such hits as “The Maple Leaf Rag” and “The Entertainer” to name a few.His music makes me think of those silent-film comedies from around a century ago.I can picture Charlie Chaplin—dressed as his most-famous persona the “Little Tramp”—walking about and twirling his cane around.Or the Keystone Cops ineptly chasing down a bad guy or a Model T Ford zooming down the road and barely miss getting hit by a speeding train. “JUNETEENTH” Scott Joplin was the second-oldest of six children born to Giles and Florence Joplin in Texarkana, Texas.Scott’s birthdate varies though most historians believe it was on November 24, 1868.Giles was a former slave from Texas while Florence was born in the free state of Kentucky.The Joplin f...