Real Estate Broker Gabriel Misters (Interview)

Real Estate Broker Gabriel Misters (Interview)
Interviewed and written by Aaron Robinson – Editor

When it comes to purchasing or selling a home, home buyers and sellers can definitely count on Gabriel Misters, an expert real estate agent who takes pride in his work; moreover, one’s who committed to helping clients buy or sell their home every step of the way. Over the last 13 years, Misters has been successful at operating his commercial landscape company Gabes Peculiar Cut (GPC) providing quality and astronomical services in the Chicagoland area.

Recently, Consciousness Magazine had the opportunity to speak with the ‘half man/half amazing’ real estate broker, Gabriel Misters, who is a man of integrity and also a wonderful individual who uphold the qualities of being honest, trustworthy, and knowledgeable when it comes to the real estate market. He has been enthused about his thriving realtor company Realtor4show that recently partnered with Keller Williams Preferred Realty. Here is what Gabriel Misters has to share with the readers.

Aaron Robinson: What was your inspiration to getting into real estate with Keller Williams Preferred Realty?
Gabriel Misters: Well, my inspiration was driven by so many people that I know and that I’ve come across that really haven’t experienced what they say is ‘the American dream,’ as far as owning their own home. With that being known, I was definitely driven to get into the industry to help as many people and families achieve that same goal that I was able to experience at such a young age.

Aaron: Would you say that’s what made you want to go into real estate as well?
Gabriel: Yes, that was one of the driving forces. Before I started landscaping my passion was real estate. For some odd reason it wasn’t working out during the time I started. Therefore, I ventured out into landscaping and now I can climb back to my first love, which is real estate.

Aaron: How is the real estate market looking when it comes to purchasing homes?
Gabriel: The market is great. I would say it’s a sellers market. It’s a lot of buyers, but the buyers seem to be waiting on the sellers to sale their homes. So, it’s definitely a seller’s market right now because you have a lot of hungry homeowners that’s looking to purchase.

Aaron: As a real estate broker, what makes Gabriel Misters so unique when it comes to buying and selling homes?
Gabriel: What makes me unique is my expertise in the industry. I’m peculiar, just like in landscaping. I feel that I’m different and that I set aside out of the ordinary when it comes to real estate. I’m not the average realtor. I think I can go by the slogan ‘half man/half amazing’. The half man is all of my expertise and all of my abilities. The amazing part is the Christ that is in me that drives me to take my business to higher heights. On top of that, I’m able to offer clients, not only with selling their home or buying a home, but I can also offer curb appeal when it talks about landscaping. Sometimes people will have homes on the market for so long and don’t know why it’s on the market for such a long time. A lot of times it’s not because it was priced wrong, it’s because the curb appeal could be off track. That sets me aside from just the average person that wants to take you around and show you houses.

Aaron: Speaking of buying homes, when it comes to purchasing a home what are some of the factors that homebuyers often overlook?
Gabriel: A lot of times people overlook the tax on the property. Sometimes they’re like ‘hey, I like this home; I’d like to buy it’, but in the end the tax bracket is way above their budget. Many times they also overlook the school districts and the neighborhood.

Aaron: Do you have any advice that you would like to share with homebuyers who are looking to buy and own a home?
Gabriel: Yes. To each person looking to buy a home, definitely do your homework, study the market, know where you desire to live, look at school districts and neighborhoods, get the going interest rates, and look into their programs that the government has as far as grant money that they have available for first time homebuyers. Also, do your homework to find a realtor that’s not only looking for a commission, but somebody that will look out for the best interest of them and their family. It’s more than just about a commission; it’s about building relations with a family. A deal that I do today can very well follow me five years up the road, because either they’re going to tell someone about me or they’re going to come back to me again because I took the time out to definitely do the homework for them and make the transition real smooth.

Aaron: You’re always giving back to the community in various ways. Would you like to briefly discuss those initiatives?
Gabriel: Sure. When it comes to the Salvation Army, the church, United Way, etc., I definitely like to contribute where other people have opportunities to achieve things that they can’t achieve by working, whether it’s part-time or full-time. So, I give a lot of finances to United Way, churches, the Salvation Army, and just people in general. It’s not all about finances. I also dedicate a lot of time ministering to the football teams and basketball teams in different communities. Outside of just finances, it’s time and being committed. I’m on call so if for whatever reason someone needs me I try to make myself available in the community. So, give me a call and I’ll come running.

Aaron: What words of advice or encouragement would you give to individuals who are looking to be successful as yourself?
Gabriel: One thing I would say is to stay focused, be strong and very courageous, because it’s going to be people along the way that will try to deter you from reaching your goal, but you have to have this thing I call tenacity to not accept no for an answer. Always seek for knowledge. With knowledge and understanding you can go a long way.

Aaron: Gabe, before we end the interview, is there anything else that you would like to add that we haven’t spoken about?
Gabriel: One thing I would like to say to the community and the surrounding areas is - if you’re looking for someone who cares, someone who has a passion to succeed,  someone who’s very detailed and thorough, I would definitely say ‘hey, give me a call.’ I’m from the area, Pembroke, Illinois, you know down the dirt roads, and I was able to achieve a whole lot of things in my 40+ years. I would like to say check out the website Look at my before and after pictures with landscaping. As far as real estate, go on my website and see the people that I’ve helped get homes. I believe in giving back from where I came from. Other than that, I’m an easy going guy and ready to make some moves.

Aaron: Thank you so much Gabriel. This is a great interview.
Gabriel: No problem. I appreciate this opportunity with you.

For more information contact Gabriel Misters at 708-514-7937 or 708-798-1111.


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  2. Nick Karamanlis NAEA is here! Great interview! Thanks for sharing your inspiring journey, Gabriel. Your commitment to helping others achieve their homeownership dreams is commendable.


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