Jekalyn Carr Exclusive Interview: Winning in Life with Purpose

Jekalyn Carr: Winning in Life with Purpose
Interviewed and written by Tocarra Eldridge @TocarraMusikWorld

Grammy Award nominee and multi Stellar Award-winning gospel recording artist Jekalyn Carr continues to deliver powerful and heartfelt messages, not only through her music but as an Evangelist and Motivational Speaker to her audience and listeners around the world. Releasing her Billboard Top 5 single “Greater Is Coming” at the age of 15, she would eventually rise to stardom having eight No. 1 hits before the age of 21. Some of her hit records include “You’re Bigger” and “You Will Win”, just to name a couple. As an international singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, actress, influencer, and author, Jekalyn Carr continues to touch the masses with her profound gifts and vision by helping people reach their fullest potential.

I was granted the opportunity to interview a woman of virtue and integrity, Jekalyn Carr, regarding her exciting career, new endeavors and most importantly empowering others with her gifts. Here is what she has to share with our readers.

Tocarra Eldridge: When did you recognize that you had the gift to inspire and empower people with your powerful messages?
Jekalyn Carr: Well I’ve always known ever since I was a little girl that I was destined to inspire people and to give people hope. I remember saying that all I wanted to do was to give people hope through my gifts. One being, starting off at the age of 5 years old was singing, and then speaking at the age of 13 years old. Every since then, everything just took off for me. I traveled the world. I am just really really doing what I love to do! My desire is to see others thrive as well, and to see others be successful and walk into their greatest potential.

Tocarra Eldridge: As a successful singer you have earned eight career Billboard #1’s before the age of 21. What type of gratification is that for you?
Jekalyn Carr: Oh, it was very shocking for one, because when we got into this, we didn’t expect any of that. We didn’t expect any of the #1’s that we were able to acquire. It was a big shocker! I was very grateful and still honored because that means the impact is big. Being able to go across the world, I’ve literally had people to inbox me, and even personally tell me ‘you may not have come from my city or you may not have come to my country, but your videos and music has’. Just to be able to hear that is just very very inspiring, and it’s motivation for me as well.

Tocarra Eldridge: You’ve just released two new singles ‘Power of Love’ and ‘Changing Your Story.’ Would you like to tell us about these two new singles?
Jekalyn Carr: Absolutely! I’ll begin with ‘Power of Love’ which is a very inspirational song. It’s a song that really inspires people and helps them to understand that we, together, can make the positive change in things that we desire in life as we go through our journey. We live in a society where some people say it’s impossible to operate in love and it’s impossible for us to grow and build together. Through this song it expresses that we can walk and we can stand in the power of love. We do witness hate, but we must know and believe that there are some powerful things that can happen when we stand together in unity and we operate in love. ‘Changing Your Story’ is a song that came out of nowhere for me. Through this song I want people to understand and to know that everything that opposes the truth of who you really are and what you were born to be… this is the time where God is changing your story for the better. I know what it looked like before, but I want you to understand that everything that you desire to accomplish and acquire in life – this is the time for your story to change, and it will continue to change for the better. I believe that as long as we are alive, we are constantly supposed to be increasing and growing.

Tocarra Eldridge: You are also a motivational speaker, author, actor and entrepreneur. What is the key to balancing your gifts and endeavors?
Jekalyn Carr: I think that whichever one I’m working on at that moment is the one that I really really invest time into it so that I won’t go lacking in any particular area. Also, in between working on my gifts, I also have to make sure that I make the time for myself so that I can have the energy to pursue those things. Of course, just keeping myself rooted as well. One thing I had to realize is that no one is a robot, we all are human, and it takes the proper time that you need for yourself to make sure that you’re rebooted so that your purpose can be fulfilled.

Tocarra Eldridge: You also have an e-course online called “Principles To Winning In Life.” Would you like to tell me a little about this initiative?
Jekalyn Carr: Sure, so I created Principles To Win to help others win and to be successful in life. Again, my desire is to not just see myself winning, but I want to see others winning. I know that many are declaring that they are winners and that it’s there winning season. Through this e-course I want to provide wisdom and information that I’ve learned along my journey – to download it into you – to make sure that your life matches what you’re speaking. It’s not enough just to speak it, but you also have to take action on some things. There are some things that we have to put in place so that everything can line up and we can see the manifestation of that. So, through this e-course I want to teach people how to win in all areas of their lives. Once you apply that information I believe that you are going to see yourself winning.

Tocarra Eldridge: You have accomplished so much at an early age. What’s next for Jekalyn Carr?
Jekalyn Carr: Well, I am working on my cosmetic line which is Jekalyn Beauty. I’m very excited about it. Within this cosmetic line, my goal is to be able to reach all. It will be launching very soon, as well as me launching my album, which is Changing Your Story as well. Also, things with television…there’s some things that I’m working on and I am very excited about it. For those who want to know about those things, you can continue to follow me on my social media.

Tocarra Eldridge: With all that is going on today. Do you have any words-of-encouragement for the audience and your fans?
Jekalyn Carr: Yes, I want to encourage us and let us know that this is not the end of us. I know that many of us may have witnessed very interesting things that are going on in various communities, and on top of that, in your household. I want you to know that you already have the victory. We are standing with you, and we are standing together. We have to make sure that we get through this together. We may see a lot and we may hear a lot, but it does not change our destiny. This does not change our orchestration for us to win and have our victory. As we continue to fight for what’s right and stand together, I believe that we are going to reach our goal and destiny. Continue to stay focused and keep your head up. I know it may be difficult, but keep your head up and know that you are destined to get through whatever you are facing – even right now within your household.

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  1. This is why i love Jekalyn soo much! Thanks for the encouragement and wisdom it really helps💚

    1. Thank you! We appreciate you for reading Jekalyn interview.

  2. All the way from South Africa, we love and pray for the work that God is doing through Jekalyn.

    Bless you.

  3. All the way from South Africa, we love and pray for the work that God is doing through Jekalyn.

    Bless you.


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