Public Relations Specialist Michelle Guess Makes A Difference In Society

Public Relations Specialist Michelle Guess "Makes a Difference In Society"

Interviewed and written by Aaron Robinson - Editor

Michelle Guess, owner of MGA Publicity Firm continues to make a difference in society as she expands her client’s brand around the world and empowers many with her nonprofit organizations. Over the years, Guess has been involved in organizing many humanitarian efforts for abandoned and abused children, the homeless and back to school drives. Looking over her life, she continues to be humble, caring and very genuine in spirit. “My family was homeless for a number of years; we would travel to different centers from state to state and sleep in the car. At the time I was 8 years old. It was 6 of us; my mother was pregnant with the 7th child. As a child I thought that we were on a really long field trip and it was fun. I didn’t know that we were homeless and I didn’t understand that state until I got older,” explains Guess.

During this era of Guess’ life, she and her family would start to live with different family members causing the family to have to split up due to it being so many of them. “I couldn’t believe that so many people were so mean. People assumed that we were homeless because my dad had so many kids and that he wasn’t trying to work. My dad is a veteran. When he came out of the military a lot of benefits were not provided anymore. Unfortunately, we were in a situation where our landlord got put out of his house because he and his wife were going through a divorce, so he just put us out of the home that we were renting and it forced us to homelessness. I always told myself that whenever I have myself in a better situation that I would help other people,” sincerely articulates Guess.

Later on, the family would move to a house that they owned in a gated suburban community in Maryland. One night, her father, who was now a taxi driver, would encounter a tragic situation as he picked up some riders for fair. “These guys were gang members and they robbed him and shot him in the head. He had 10 dollars on him. He had 10 dollars on him. That was a gang initiation. It was random. It could have been anyone. It just happened to be my father that was murdered.” After Guess helped pass a law in Maryland, gang members threatened her family and mainly her brother. That’s when she decided to organize events that stood against bullying and violence in the community. She became passionate and got involved with the Anti-Bullying & Senseless Violence Tour.

Years later, Guess’ background would include her volunteering at C.C. Jackson Recreational Center and the Boys & Girls Club. As an entrepreneur she now operates two organizations Immeasurable Cares that caters to the homeless community. IV U (For You) is an organization that focuses on empowering individuals and building families and stronger communities , as well as to spread awareness of the effects of bullying and senseless violence.

Guess is also a Public Relations Specialist where she currently works with musical artists, authors, models, actors and screenplay writers. “The crazy thing is I actually never wanted to be a publicist ever. I’m a singer, I always wanted to sing and spread my love around the world,” says Guess who was a professional background singer for TV One Show host and master harpist Jeff Majors. After 6 months on tour she decided singing wasn’t what she wanted to pursue. “When you’re not in a place where you can do it freely it becomes a job. It took away the love for me,” states Guess.  Eventually, Jeff Majors would give her the opportunity to work as his personal assistant. Not knowing that when he gave her that position that she was being trained to be a Public Relations Specialist. As a person of excellence and doing more than expected, Guess would find herself traveling, scheduling lodging, making itineraries and important calls, assuring media and individuals would be in there position at the right time. While doing such outstanding work, she was given a confirmation from a professional publicist that she was going to make a great publicist. Shortly, Jeff Majors would put his career in her hands making her an executive assistance.

Guess expands her client’s image through positive reinforcement to ensure that they receive the most exposure through positive image. She happily gives her thought on being a publicist. “I create charity events or find charity based events that I bring my clients to be a part of so that way I can help expand their brand and keep their face in the community through these initiatives. Media attention is going to come. I use that platform to basically work everything.”

As a successful publicist, Guess gives great advice to those who are looking to be a Public Relations Specialist. “Work hard! The challenge that you will face is that people will misunderstand your position. Find your own lane or where you would like to be as a publicist and stay in that lane. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise; don’t get discouraged. As a woman in the business it’s hard. Stay strong and dedicated…experience is the best teacher.”


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Contact: 1-800-490-0205



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