Consequence Interview

“It’s The Cons,” an Interview with Consequence
Interviewed and written by Aaron Robinson – Editor

Recently, I (Consciousness Magazine) was granted the opportunity to speak with Rapper, Songwriter, and TV Personality Consequence. Cons has worked with artist such as Kanye West, John Legend and one of the most influential hip hop groups of our time, A Tribe Called Quest, just to name a few. In 2007, Cons released the studio album Don’t Quit Your Day Job and a host of Mixtapes such as Take ‘Em To The Cleaners, Movies on Demand (volume I, II, III and IV) and Curb Certified (volume I and II). Here is what Cons shared with the readers regarding his latest projects “Bottle Girls” featuring Charisse Mills & Company of Greatness, as well as shares valuable information relevant to the music business.

Aaron Robinson: Hey Consequence, how are you doing?
Cons: Good! How you doing man?

Aaron: I just want to thank you for doing this interview with us!
Cons: It’s all good! I much appreciate it. It’s no problem! It’s all good!

Aaron: You’ve recently released a new album titled Bottle Girls, what can your fans and listeners expect from this new project?

Charisse Mills
Cons: Awww man, you know, it’s a fun record! It’s kind of like if you took a little of “Dreams” from the R&B chicks by Biggie and check out the girls posting pictures on my Instagram that are doing bottle service waitressing, then you have “Bottle Girls.”

Aaron: You’re also on the remix to De La Soul’s “Vocabulary Spills”, what was it like to collaborate with the legendary hip hop group? 
Cons: It was dope! It was like a bucket list item of mines. I have known them since I was a kid, coming up, knowing them basically from being affiliated with the Native Tongues. It was great. I love that record.

Aaron: Can your fans and listeners expect any new releases from your label Band Camp Records in the future, more artist collaborations and/or television projects?
Cons: I’m actually putting together a group called the Company of Greatness. They’re going to be on a bunch of my records. So yes, definitely! In the Company of Greatness are Brother Num, Jus Raro, Dave Doo-So, David Matin and myself.

Aaron: What do you believe is your key to longevity to survive as a hip hop artist in such a competitive field?
Cons: I’d say that hip hop is based on being fresh and being just creative as possible. And that’s what I’m just trying to bring to the forefront of the music.

Joe Budden and Cons
Aaron: Would you like to share any advice for aspiring or up-and-coming artist who are looking to be successful in the music industry?
Cons: Yea, just be successful! [Laugh]I think that’s the best advice in this business. In this day and age, you have to be serious about making the profits to be successful. You know what I mean. You gotta run your artistry like a business.

Aaron: Are you looking for any new artist?
Cons: I’m always looking to work with new people. But right now, my projects are the focal point. But I’m definitely into collabin’. Definitely, I want to have new artist that I can really put my name behind and help push out.

Aaron: Before we close the interview, would you like to add anything in closing?
Cons: Yea, look out for the “Bottle Girls” video that will be coming soon. You can follow me on twitter @ItsTheCons and the Instagram, Just look out for mew music. We have a new Mixtape coming and a new LP coming this summer. Shout out to all the girls who were my inspiration for “Bottle Girls,” Bernice, Graciii3, Lynda Rose, Nikkita Maxx, Jensen Nafolia, Kathy Red, Crystal Renee, Nisey Kamai, Miracle Watts, Kyra, Mia Body, Jazzie Belle, Yolie Monroe, Destiny Moore and Blu Gem.

Aaron: Thanks Consequence, this interview means a lot to me. Thank you so much.
Cons: You’re welcome man! Thank you!


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