Spreading Health Awareness and Wealth

Marlowe Whitlow “Spreading Health Awareness and Wealth” Interviewed and written by Aaron Robinson – Editor When it comes to living a better and more enhanced quality life, there are some individuals who put in the hard work and rise to a certain pinnacle to witness the positive results in their life; while there are others who will procrastinate and make excuses, never putting forth the actions to fulfill their goals. Having the willpower, working diligently and persistent, and furthermore having the ambition to reach his goals are only a few of the attributes that Marlowe Whitlow accomplished to live a healthier lifestyle. I was able to catch up with the motivated Whitlow - a believer, an achiever, a man of charisma and wit, who was determined to turn his life around. Here is what he shared with the Consciousness Magazine readers. Aaron Robinson: Once being overweight, what was your greatest challenge that you overcame to lose weight? Marlowe Whitlow: Well it w...