K Michelle

K Michelle "Pain Medicine"

Interviewed and written by Aaron Robinson - Editor
Gently approaching the Memphis Tennessee native, K Michelle, with her manager, she greets the Consciousness Magazine journalists and I with a warm hand shake and open hug, as she recently comes off the stage after giving an energetic performance at the Woodstars Musical Festival. “It was cool! It was hot out there, but it was for a good cause.” I could feel the realness and appreciation in her sole, as another accomplishment is completed, while being involved in a fundraiser event. Enthused about her career, we sit and begin to have a chat about her anticipated tour, “Next year I plan to go back out [on tour]. I don’t know the definite date, but I’ll keep everyone posted,” says the young and lively R&B singer and writer as the flashing lights from the camera are impending from all directions of the Proviso East High School hallway.
Kindly and compassionate, she begins to talk about her new album while giving us her complete attention. “My new album is titled Pain Medicine. My executive producer is R Kelly. It’s amazing [working with him]! He’s my friend. I learn a lot from him,” exclaimed the confident single mother. Oncoming fans and media counterparts began to take notice of the talented singer as they tend to stand around the vigorous ore, becoming more intrigued in her presence and dialogue.
She begins to give advice to the youth who’s goal is to make it in the music industry. “I’m from Memphis. To the youth I would tell them to walk away from conflict and for parents to keep them (youth) in something that they love. Keep them focused! A lot of role models on TV stay focused and shows that. But it all starts at home.”  She becomes inspired by her challenges as she ends the one on one interview with Consciousness Magazine. “You just have to keep on fighting through the struggle. Me…being a new artist, I feel that if you don’t have a struggle, then you don’t have a story to tell.”


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