Talk host, author and journalist Rob Redding interview with CM

Talk host, author and journalist Rob Redding interview with CM Talk host, author and journalist Rob Redding is also a New York-based artist who makes monochromatic look magnificent on every canvas he touches - and clothes too. He blends black and white acrylic paints making them look like oil paintings. In a world full of color, he says he is determined to make mono enthralling and a liberating tool for black people. His new book of art and personal story entitled SMEARED in January quickly shot up to No. 1 on Amazon in two different categories. The tell-all book which details a new style of painting called "Constructive Expressionism" gives insight on how he uses his art to dialog about anti-black racism and the death of his first boyfriend Michael. Rob says that Michael, who died just before his 25th birthday, didn't even like art but remarked about how much he loved a tryptic he created the same night he ended his life. Ever since that day Rob tells Consciousne...