Two Of Hollywoods Brightest Stars

Two Of Hollywood’s Brightest Stars Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher Were Savvy Yet Independent Written by Eric Plaut Not so long ago in our own Milky Way galaxy, two women made an everlasting impact on Hollywood and the world. They were a mother and her daughter. Both were savvy and independent. Like the rest of us, they triumphed over adversity and heartache throughout their lives. As a result, they won admiration for more than their roles in film and television. Debbie (nee Mary Frances) Reynolds and her daughter Carrie Fisher made an everlasting impact. Even if it is a story that Hollywood could never truly capture, Home Box Office (HBO) released a documentary about their relationship earlier this year. Titled Bright Lights , Debbie’s son and Carrie’s brother Todd Fisher helped produce this special. (As of this writing, I have yet not been able to see the program that debuted on January 7.) “THE WORLD’S OLDEST GIRL SCOU...