Fitness Expert Tony Little (Interview)

Fitness Expert Tony Little Overcomes the many Harsh Challenges in Life Interviewed and written by Tocarra Eldridge Fitness expert Tony Little has inspired and motivated millions of people around the world to get in shape and live healthier. While continuing to make a positive difference in other people’s lives, many were unaware that he was faced with multiple adversities and horrific moments through out his personal life. He would eventually overcome and survive four fatal car accidents, his struggle with prescription drugs and alcohol, owing millions of dollars to the IRS, and his biggest challenge of all, when he and his wife Melissa twin sons were born three-and-a-half months premature. I had the opportunity to have an uplifting inspiring and enriching interview with Tony Little, who is one of the most-recognized faces in pop culture. Over the course of his career, he has sold over $3 billion worth of products and continues to have success both in his personal and profession...