A Conversation with Kimberly Chapman

A Conversation with Kimberly Chapman By Dr. Shanessa Fenner Kimberly Chapman is the epitome of beauty, brains, and ambition. Having a successful hair care line, Chapman Products and Sheen Magazine keeps her busy these days. Let’s learn a little more about this Renaissance woman and how she manages it all. Dr. Shanessa Fenner: When did you first realize you wanted a magazine and a line of hair care products? Kimberly Chapman : I married William Chapman who had already started the hair care products so I just came in and made it better. He is the one who focuses on the products in preparing them with the ingredients and I deal with the management part. We have a great partnership. We started the magazine because I needed advertisement for the hair care products so I went to certain magazines and Essence was one of them and they wanted too much for the ads so I said to myself that I will do my own magazine and do my own ads. SF: Tell me about the Chapm...