Maurice G. Smith: A Man of Integrity

Maurice G. Smith: A Man of Integrity Interviewed and Written by Aaron Robinson – Editor During a recent interview, I had the opportunity to speak with veteran actor Maurice G. Smith, a man filled with life, wisdom, love and lots of laughter. Many may know Smith as the character Reggie Brooks of “Meet the Browns.” In real-life he is one of the most humble down-to-earth individual’s - I have come to know. It was destined that he would find his calling as an actor. “ I started off as a musician. I love music. I saw what music did to a crowd. I was always performing in things. In the Boy Scouts we had to do skits. I remember I was thinking that I was going to be a stand-up comedian. I was inspired by Spike Lee. I was like ‘man, I want to be Spike Lee, I want to be an actor and director.’ I had a cousin who had all these books and got me into reading books a lot. When I would see a movie “Jaws” or “The Shining”, my cousin, she had the books and I would read the book afterwards and my ...