Become Aware Achieve Peace & Happiness!

Become Aware - Achieve Peace & Happiness! I know before you can achieve peace and/or happiness in your life you must become AWARE of yourself! This is not an easy take as it is always easier to recognize the errors of others rather than take responsibility for our own errors. You must become aware of what you say and how you say it. The words you choose, your tone of voice, the expressions in your face and eyes. You must become aware of what you do and how you do it. Always pay attention to details as these little things make a big difference. Honor your word and the promises you make by keeping them! Be on time as this shows respect to others and will let people know you respect yourself. Learn proper manners and language as these are important parts of a civilized society. At the same time, stand up for yourself. Say “yes” when you mean “yes” and “no” when you mean “no”. Never pay attention to gossip as this type of talk is far away from the peace you seek. T...