DJ-I.C. Dre “Regaining & Rebuilding” Interviewed and written by Aaron Robinson- Editor Kankakee, Illinois native DJ-I.C. Dre is not your typical DJ, as he has built an amazing archive DJing for some of the biggest music artist around the world. Inspired by many of the greats at a young age, he set out his goal, believing in his gift to reach a level of success in his career that was unthought of. Unfortunately, life took its toll, allowing the well-known DJ to go down an unfriendly path. Moreover, the pioneer regained his momentum as he was able to bounce back in the game, continuing to be one of the most outstanding DJ’s on the music scene. I was able to catch up with Andre “DJ-I.C. Dre” Gray to speak about his ambition, determination and inspiration of becoming a DJ. Here is what he had to share. Aaron Robinson: For those who don’t know, what sparked your interest of wanting to DJ? DJ-I.C. Dre: I use to watch rap videos all the time and I was jus...