Dr. Maya Angelou, A Phenomenal Woman

Dr. Maya Angelou, A Phenomenal Woman Interviewed and written by Dr. Shanessa Fenner On the morning of our interview, the incomparable Dr. Maya Angelou is busily working in her garden prior to our interview. She discusses her various leading African-American art sculptures, knock- out roses, and azaleas that people stop to photograph. Shanessa Fenner: I am enjoying your book, Mom & Me & Mom , and I laughed at the part when you and Babe had sex and you asked him, “Is this all that it is?” Maya Angelou: I had been raped when I was 7 years old. My hope was all these things that I had seen happen in the movies where people sigh and melt was going to happen. That was what it really was about. Well nothing happened. It was painful a little but it didn’t thrill. He was a jerk. He was 20 and I was 16. He did not know how to do any foreplay or encourage his mate to enjoy herself. What he wanted was relief not joy. I had to grow older to understand that. SF: ...