Cocoa Brown Interview

Cocoa Brown Interview with Consciousness Magazine
Interviewed and written by Aaron Robinson – Editor

Standup comedian and actress Cocoa Brown is a triple-threat when it comes to her living out her love and passion as a comic, actress and educator. Cocoa Brown has been acting since the age of 10. During her later years in life she would minor in Theatre Arts and earn a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications and go on to receive a Masters in Secondary Education. After leaving corporate America she would go on to win the Washington Comedian of the Year while only having 7 months in the business. Since then, she has played roles in countless films and TV shows.

Cocoa Brown recently starred and played the role of Lytia in Tyler Perry’s heartwarming comedy, The Single Moms Club, alongside Nia Long, Amy Smart, Terry Crews, William Levy, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Zulay Henao and Eddie Cibrian. The film is about five struggling single moms who put aside their differences. They eventually form a support group that allows them to find inspiration and laughter that allows them to overcome the obstacles in their lives.

Here is what the talented actress and comedian had to share during a recent interview with Consciousness Magazine.

Aaron Robinson: You played Lytia in the new film The Singles Moms Club. What was it like playing that role?
Cocoa Brown: It was an amazing experience; it was a learning experience for me! At the time when we were filming that film I was literally becoming a single mother. I was going through a divorce. It was kind of like a crash course. I was fortunate enough to have people on set that were very inspirational, who had stories and advice for me which made my transition to a single mother much easier.

Aaron: You also had a chance to work with Tyler Perry and a really talented cast on this project. What was that experience like for you?
Cocoa: Working with the cast was amazing! I looked up to Nia Long, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Terry Crews and Amy Smart. I always admired their work. To be able to work with such an incredible cast, it was literally being in a master’s class of acting because you were watching everyone’s madness - how they got into those characters and how they dug deep into them. Working with Tyler Perry on the film was very much different than working on a TV show “For Better or Worse”. I got to really see how he directs a movie and how he allows you to work your character. He is definitely one of those directors that allows you to make that character your own. He doesn’t interfere with your process; he gives you room to truly embrace your character and make it real.

Aaron: The film is about five struggling single moms who put aside their differences and came together to find inspiration by overcoming their obstacles. Do you have any encouragement that you would like to share with single moms who are going through struggles in their life?
Cocoa: You know, all I can say is please utilize your village. Everyone has one. I think one of those things we get stuck in as women, as mothers is that we have to do it all by ourselves or we’re not doing it right or we have to be this strong unit and never have to let anyone see our weakness and that we are just plain tired! I will tell any single mother to utilize your village. There are people in your life who are willing to help you and give you a break and guide you and be your rock and be there for you; you just have to ask. You have to just put aside your pride, your ego, and that whole misconception that we have to be strong and alone. I don’t know if I can live my life fully and do what I do if it weren’t for that village. It’s funny because it really took me one day saying ‘I’m so tired’ and the flood gates just opened up with people offering to help me. I’m grateful for that every day.

Aaron: You received a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications and received a Masters in Secondary Education. How important was your education to your acting career?
Cocoa: I think it was very important. When I did mass communication I had the potential of going into news casting and broadcasting. It taught me how to articulate myself well. I never thought I would be a standup comic or actress at the time I was getting that degree. I realized getting that degree made me fearless of speaking in front of people and being able to transform myself and character…these characters. Secondary education was one of those things. I always enjoyed teaching. I always enjoyed kids and working with people. It was always a passion of mines.

Aaron: As a successful actress and comedian, do you have any advice for up and coming aspiring actresses and comedians who are looking to be successful in the entertainment industry?
Cocoa: It’s definitely about networking. You have to create a brand or something about yourself that people want. You have to make yourself desirable so that people will want you, and that doesn’t mean physically. So many people rely on their physical traits to get them across. Study your craft and know your craft. You may have natural talent but get as much education involved as possible. Do the work and take your time; enjoy the journey.

Aaron: Would you like to mention any other projects that you are working on?
Cocoa: We have the new season “For Better or Worse”. I’m very excited about the film The Singles Moms Club! I have worked on new shows with Martin Lawrence and Kelsey Grammer called “Partners”. I’m really excited about that because I play a 60 year old woman. I’m working on my first jewelry line; it’s geared toward the moms that still have it going on!

Aaron: In regards to The Singles Moms Club would you like to add anything else in closing that we haven’t covered Cocoa?
Cocoa: I would like to thank every person who stops me at the airport, at the grocery store, on the street and who watches my shows and tells me how much the movie touched them and how much they enjoyed the movie. I just want to thank them for going to see it and continuing to support the film. It is a great movie! It’s not just a chick flick or anything like that. It applies to everyone. If you have a mother and if you know a single mother, it is a movie that you will enjoy. It lets you inside our world, it lets you really know what it’s like if you raise kids on your own and how important it is to have that village.

For more information about Cocoa Brown please visit


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